Portals for intersectionists
Know “Two Cultures”?
If you're not aware of C.P. Snow's seminal "Two Cultures" lecture, visit TwoCultures.net to stand awhile on the bridge.
People in Poetry and Tech
Students of poetry and technology may wish to review the work of these essayists and researchers.
Opinions and Provocations
Intersectionist Tracks
"For even if knowledge of the true and original Tree of Life, which could have postponed the arrival of old age, is lost, the plants nevertheless remain and renew their flowers, and with gratitude enduring through the years they shall always exhale the sweet memory of your names. . ." -- Carl Linnaeus.
What about poetry and science?
“A world
existing side by side with yours,
where love struggles to perfect
itself, and finally perfect,
finds it has no object.
The waking dream’s intact-
the world continues not to change,
and staying the same, changes us.”
from “Letters from Swan’s Island” by Elizabeth Spires